Life-Long Learning Leonardo da Vinci Partnership project “C.A.S.E.S. WORK – Collaborative And Social Enterprises as a new model of economic activity and work opportunity” No. LLP-LdV-PRT-2012-LT-0313.
Project aims:investigate the world of Social & Collaborative enterprises throughout Europe, collecting good practices; build innovative education tools in different languages; provide opportunities to receive on-site training; share new ideas.
Project partners:
Turkey Provincial National Education Directorate of Eskisehir
Portugal Agrupamento de Escolas de Arganil
Poland Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno – Kulturalna
Spain LOA – Lanzarote Ocean Art
Lithuania VŠĮ Žinių Kodas
Bulgaria National Forum Alternatives, Practice, Initiatives
Belgium CESEP Centre Socialiste d’Education Permanente
Austria Multicultural Network
Switzerland Prolog GmbH
Iceland SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS
Hungary Belvarosi Tanoda Alapitvany
United Kingdom Pathways: Inspirational Development CIC
The Netherlands CMO Groningen
Czech Republic HANDI JOBS, o.s.
France Association ESENIORS