The staff of Knowledge Code is experienced in the preparation and development of educational projects administrated by the EU Commission (Erasmus+, Nordplus, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.).
Nowadays Knowledge Code is preparing some new projects. Although Knowledge Code is always full of ideas for new projects, collaboration with different partners is one of the strategic goals of the organization.
Knowledge Code is open for new educational ideas both at the national and international level. If you have any thoughts on how we could collaborate on reducing social exclusion and helping people to participate in the labour market actively, do not hesitate to contact us by email
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership projects:
- (2020-2023) Title: Sustainability. Heritage. Health (SHH) / Project number 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078914 /Programme: Adult education
- (2020-2022) Title: From Emotional Management to Emotional Resilience (EMER) / Project number 2020-1-LT01-KA204-078088 /Programme: Adult education
- (2019-2021) Title: 4E / Project number 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060575 /Programme: Adult education
- (2016-2019) Title: ATP: Apprentice Preparation Training – New Approaches in Managing the Transition from Education to Employment/ Project number: 2016-1-UK01-KA202-024558/Programme: VET education.
- (2016-2019) Title: A Tale of Two Futures/ Project number 2016-1-UK01-KA204-024544 /Programme: Adult education
Mobility projects:
- (2018) Title: BRIGHT: a BRidge between dIGital competences and cultural HeriTage across Europe/ Project number: 2018-1-IT01-KA102-006652/ Programme: Erasmus+ Youth mobility
- (2014) Title: ESINE: Inter-organizational learning: Employability and Social Inclusion through Non-formal Education of young people/ Project number: 550418-YFE1-1-2013-1-LT-YOUTH-Y43c/ Programme: Youth in Action Programme Sub-action 4.3 – Youth support systems: Support to Youth Workers’ Mobility project
- (2013) Title: Go e-Learning! Learn to easily develop and run e-Learning courses to reach wider audience!/ Project number: LLP-GRU-KT-2013-LT-00051/Programme: LLP Grundtvig in-Service training project
- (2012) Title: Studying English via distance or e-learning/ Project number: 2012-SV-02-LT-LLP-04428/Programme: LLP Grundtvig in-Service training project
- (2012) Title: Mut is overcoming handicaps in Europe/ Project number: 2012-1-TR1-LEO02-38143/Programme:LLP Leonardo da Vinci Mobility (PLM) project
- (2012) Title: Actualizing the education of computerized hair and make-up/ Project number: 2012-1-TR-LEO01-37253/Programme: LLP Leonardo da Vinci Mobility (IVT) project
- (2012) Title: Vocational strengthening employment from school to work/ Project number: 2012-1-TR-LEO01-37769/Programme: LLP Leonardo da Vinci Mobility (IVT) project
Other projects:
- (2012-2014) Title: C.A.S.E.S. WORK – Collaborative And Social Enterprises as a new model of economic activity and work opportunity/ Project number: LLP-LdV-PRT-2012-LT-0313/ Field: VET education
- (2012-2014) Title: Feeling younger by getting older/ Project number: LLP-GRU-MP-2012-LT-00006/Programme: adult education