Across the EU, we recognize that health, sustainability and competitive edge of our economies depends on our young people entering and retaining meaningful employment and the appropriate skills to adapt to the new demands of the labour market. The recognition of skills leading to meaningful employment, as well as the challenges and barriers facing young people are at the heart of this project. We will seek to (re)engage learners with personal and professional development to enable them to transition into work, make them more employable prospects and inevitably contributors to a productive, fair and equitable society. The life and soft skills needed to successfully negotiate the transition to employment will be investigated, adapted and refined between partners from UK, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Spain, Cyprus and Romania resulting in a set of tools that can be adopted by other sectors.
This project pays special attention to apprenticeships and traineeships as an alternative route to a successful career often overlooked by schools as the poor relation to academic success. We are actively promoting work based learning and preparation for young people to enter the world of work at a vital point in their lives and when they need specialist preparation and guidance the most.
The target group in this project are organisations and employers that work directly with young people who are facing significant challenges securing meaningful careers, as well as the young people themselves who often need extra guidance when making the transition from education to the world of work. The key focus of this project is the preparation and guidance for transition from education to employment readiness. Learning and self development will be the pivot for the project activities and promoting work as a means to enhance not only self, but also world around us. Recognising new ways to develop emerging employment pathways will be key to making materials and activities relevant, especially for those leaving education and entering world, competence – based training and practical pathway such as traineeships, interships and apprenticeships. We are going to create a suite of modular resources, testing tools, a training framework and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training packages and pilot test them in real training situations with career guides and trainers and organize several events to maximize the interest in the final tools and share them with local, regional and international actors.